In Search of Rope #4: Saving Zador

  • Use Aila’s key code on…
  1. The robot: The robot is not here and you have doubts about Aila knowing about it.
  2. Your bellybutton: Now that is just silly
  3. Metal box:

You input 601-A7G as the code for Aila’s Locked Metal Box. The box clicks open.

You lift the lid and look inside…

Score! You have acquired: Not-So-Pink Shuriken, Tiger Whistle, Torn Map Piece, Some Fancy Coins and a Pile of Pocket Lint.

You notice nothing important on the coins and lint, so you throw them away.

You have discarded Some Fancy Coins and Pile of Pocket Lint.

  • Continue answering to Zador

Having figured out the morse code answer, you know now that Zador is tied up inside ISEEAMONKEY.

Using morse code once more, you reply saying “Don’t worry, I’m coming to get you”

You gain another reply:

-.. --- -. .----. - / ..- ... . / - .... . / -.. --- --- .-. / - --- / --. . - / .. -. .-.-.- / .. - / .... .- ... / -... . . -. / .-. .. --. --. . -.. / .-- .. - .... / . -..- .--. .-.. --- ... .. ...- . ... .-.-.- / - .... . -.-- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / - .-. .. --. --. . .-. . -.. / .-- .... . -. / -.-- --- ..- / --- .--. . -. / - .... . / -.. --- --- .-. .-.-.- / .. -. ... - . .- -.. --..-- / ..-. .. -. -.. / .- -. / .- .-.. - . .-. -. .- - . / .-- .- -.-- / .. -. - --- / - .... .. ... / .-. --- --- -- .-.-.- .- .-.. ... --- --..-- / .. -. / -.-. .- ... . / .. / -.. --- -. .----. - / -- .- -.- . / .. - ---... / ..... ....- .---- -....- -. ...-- -.-

You reply saying “Alright, I’ll be right back.”

  • Go check that trashcan at CAB now

You leave the hallway in front of ISEEAMONKEY and head to the CAB building. It takes you a moment to locate the correct trashcan, but you manage to retrieve the Letter to Pekka.

You unfold the folded letter and begin reading.

“Dear Pekka, I hope this letter reaches you before the tragic outcome of my full plans is to take place.

Meet me at the Bucket Army HQ on the 23rd of August. Wait for me at the Reception.

I have attached a small trinket in this envelope. Use the code there with 936.

– Baron”

You realize the trinket you found near Pekka is this same trinket. He must have dropped it on the floor… although you never found it on your first search… and the envelope it came in was all the way back in this trashcan…

You connect FA9 and 936 to get the Baron’s key code, FA9-936!



  • Where should you enter ISEEAMONKEY from? (The answer was part of the previous blog plot, but as I have not saved the solutions, there are only two ways to get the correct answer: did the plot and remember the correct way OR check the Tracking Applitron map and figure it out. Due to this, the answers don’t need to be exactly correct and guesses might work too)
  • What is Zador’s key code?

Options (select up to 7):

  • Break open the door to ISEEAMONKEY
  • Access ISEEAMONKEY using [location] (only works if Question#1 is answered correctly enough by at least ONE person)
  • Have a closer look at Not-So-Pink Shuriken
  • Have a closer look at Tiger Whistle
  • Have a closer look at Torn Map Piece
  • Have a closer look at Letter to Pekka
  • Check your inventory
  • Write down the key codes you have
  • Dress up for Halloween

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