Chapter I – Epilogue

  • Access ISEEAMONKEY using the window

You first considered using the secret tunnels under the Guest Rooms, but Zador’s the bomb could very well be timed as well. You quickly think of an alternate way.

You run out of the building using the door exit at BAAT. You circle around the building to the left and spot an open window high above you… How will you reach it?

  • Have a closer look at Not-So-Pink Shuriken

You inspect the shuriken. It seems to be a Hira-shuriken (renamed). A hole is located in the center of it.

Hmm, perhaps you could tie it to something like… a rope.

Sadly you’ve been looking for a rope this whole time, so you really don’t have one. Desperate, you look around the boxes and trashcans located below the window.

SCORE! You find a lengthy Sturdy Rope among the boxes of construction material labeled “Janitor’s Supplies For Lair Reconstruction”. Guess she put it here after Pekka gave it to her.

You quickly tie the Sturdy Rope to the Hira-shuriken to form an Odd Grappling Hook, and swing it through the window. You hear a distinctive sound that informs you of the success of your attempt.

You begin scaling the wall with the help of the attached rope.

  • Write down the key codes you have

You will do so in a moment. First you have to rescue the tied up & gagged Zador from the chair a short walk ahead of you.

You quickly run to him and use the shuriken part of the Odd Grappling Hook to cut the ropes tying Zador to the chair.

While Zador removes the duct tape covering his mouth, you run towards the bomb to inspect it. After a quick check, you determine it not to be timed.

“Thank you for saving me. Things looked bad there for a moment, but I’m glad you had your wits about you. Now come, let’s use the secret tunnels to retreat to the Guest Rooms.”


You follow Zador through the dark, musty tunnels and into Guest Room #5. Before continuing your chat with him, you write down the key codes you know.

Ailae: 601-A7G
Zador: 541-N3K
Baron: FA9-936

“Alright, we’re here. Now, I gave you my key code earlier. Do you still have it?”

You reply with “yes”.

“Have you got any others?”

You show Zador your Key Code List.

“Okay, that’s good. You have half of the six key codes. They are going to be used in an attack on the Remote Lolrus Island. We will first need one key code; any is fine. The next part of the plan requires two new key codes and the last part will need three. We can do the first two parts of the plan, but you’ll need to gather the three remaining key codes to help with the third part of the attack. Unfortunately, the key codes are held by three individuals who are not at Bucketon at the present time. We’ll need to actually get to the Remote Lolrus Island to obtain the key codes. The three key codes you already have should allow you to reach each of the three others as long as they have not been captured by the lolrus.”

  • Have a closer look at Tiger Whistle

This whistle seems to be what Aila *might* use to call her tiger to the aid. You wonder if it would allow you to do the same.

  • Have a closer look at Torn Map Piece

You inspect the torn piece of map you acquired earlier. It seems to be the lower left part of an old map. You can make out the outline of some building. There is part of a word, cut in half by the map being torn, visible on your map piece. It seems to say “VAL”, but nothing in the piece gives you any hints as to what the remaining part of the word might be.

  • Dress up for Halloween

It’s past Halloween. Strange considering you started your quest in early May. It’s early December now… This can’t possibly have taken you 7 months, right? Zador alone would have been tied up & gagged SINCE APRIL, when he disappeared. You hardly think he would have survived for 8 months without something to drink and eat.

  • Check your inventory

Time to give your inventory one last look. You aren’t exactly sure why you said that, considering you’re not even nearly done with everything that’s going on.

Your inventory contains The Invitation Letter, Baron’s Keys, Bucketon Map, Bucketon Hero Bucket, Bubket Scanner (equipped), Glass Shard, Soasin LavendusBucket Hat (equipped), RLI Attack Plans, FA9 Sprocket Trinket, Tiger Whistle, Torn Map Piece, Letter to Pekka, Odd Grappling Hook and Key Code List.

That’s quite a collection of items. Hopefully they’ll be useful on the Remote Lolrus Island.

You inform Zador that you’re ready to leave. He nods and takes out his Quick Transport System Controller. He presses a few buttons on the device and a portal opens up behind him.

“Follow me through the portal once you’re done.”

He smiles, turns around and walks through the portal. You sigh, look around and make a silent promise to come back to deal with all the unfinished business with the robot, JohnPaul, the Baron and the others.

You step through the portal,  and are whisked away to a distant location somewhere…

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