Archive for the Video Games Category

Bucketful of Random Thoughts

Posted in Daily Life in Bucketon, Final Fantasy, Heroes, JN, Lost, MSN, Pwnt, Subeta, Video Games with tags on January 21, 2009 by ldneedsbuckets

NOTE: This is a rant. It’s almost 1000 words, so skip what you don’t care about. I bolded the parts of the text that describe the contents of that part of the rant, so you can skip whatever you don’t want to read.

First of all, I passed the essay 😀 Thank you, Illy! Still waiting for my reward though, but I guess Viking Week keeps you very busy 😛

Today, I visited home at 1 pm and logged on to Subeta. I decided to do the easy, free dailies during the 20 minutes of freetime that I had. To my surprise, I finally passed Polar Ice Field xD Reward was naturally Bucket of Polar Water, so that’s one awesome bucket item down 😛 I haven’t actively tried to get any of them (except Bucket Hat) and so far I’ve got Bucket of Polar Water, Sun Bucket (thank you, Nynex :D), Spectrum Bucket, Bucket Hat and Pail of Water. Speaking of Subeta, while working on achievements, I’ve also been collecting books with Daniel. We’re trying to get 400 unique before Book Drive opens up again 🙂 I’m putting all of my books (and bookmarks, even though those probably don’t count) in my gallery under Books. At the time of this writing, I had 186 UNIQUE books (not counting bookmarks), but 5 of them are currently not in the gallery.

I’ve been on Pwnt a little less lately, mainly logging on to check the forums and collect my dailies/buy stuff from shops. Still looking for someone with a Bucket of Sand, so I could have all bucket items again 😦

On Jellyneo, I’ve currently got nothing to do. The IDB is going nicely with the hard work of the IAs (Sci will soon pass me in items added :P). Dave gave me a task to do a while ago, so I’ll go do that eventually *cough* or force Weepit to do it *cough*. The forums are currently offline, so I’ve really got nothing to do there either. I could go post on the comments for Tom’s editorial to drive the fanatical bucket lovers crazy, but that’s nothing exciting or new right now :/

End of the school year is fast approaching. I’ve got a week of exams ahead of me next week, I have to finish ‘the project’ to actually graduate, I’ve got matrictulation exams coming up and I have to get the required amount of courses completed (I’ll get the required amount after the week of exams, but my brother is missing one, which he’ll get if we finish ‘the project’).

Last year Finland finally got Heroes and Lost‘s 2nd season and fourth season (respectively) soon after the US airings (Heroes’ 2nd season aired after it was finished in the US, but began airing simultaneously with the 1st season so I got to see both seasons at the same time; Lost’s 4th season ended up only being one week behind the US, so we saw the final episode a week after the US did). However, Heroes’ 3rd season won’t begin until 28th of January (which is soon here though) and Lost’s 5th season begins on MARCH 5th. I feel sorry for Jen though 😦 She’ll get it later, it seems.

I’ve stopped writing the rps into a story for now and I haven’t played Rogue Galaxy in a while :/ I’ve never been good at focusing on one thing for too long. Before anyone says ‘Final Fantasy‘, I’ll remind you that I’ve stopped almost every FF at one point of the game only to continue it months later. Right now, the following FFs are on replay break: X, X-2, VII, VIII and IX.

Since the longest I’ve managed to focus on keeping something going (except the internet visits) has been 2 ½-3 years or so, this doesn’t bode well for a lot of things: buckets (my previous ‘things’ – cheese and then lameness – have both died; Buckets have survived the longest though, so yay!), this blog (my previous blog died ages ago), JN (left for a few months and considered leaving for good in December of 2008), pwnt (already left once), Subeta (already left twice), Neopets (already left several times), Facebook. That’s actually all. Quit everything else a long time ago :/

I’ve been bored of the internet for several months now (fun fact: ‘now’ just there was the 666th word in this blag post) and have taken measures to increase my interest while I wait for someone interesting to log on to MSN (even though Nynex shows up online all the time, she really isn’t there :P); these measures include reading webcomics (xkcd, Looking for Group, Ctrl+Alt+Del, VGCats, Order of the Stick, Cyanide and Happiness and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal), watching Youtube videos of whatever pops to mind (mainly Madtv lately), reading the FF Wikia, reading Random Articles on Wikipedia, actually using the JNF shoutbox, handing buckets to matchu (this has only happened once, but meh), annoying Steve (I was apparently really annoying yesterday, so I think I’ll stop), waiting for Michael to pop up even though I know he won’t, blagging here about random things, boosting my ego in various ways (asking Steve/Michael to tell me how great I am, bothering Weepit/Ryan, gathering attention with buckets, etc) and gaining Subeta achievements.

Usually when someone interesting finally logs on and I start a convo (or they do in the cases of Catherine, Sci, Aila and Labhaoise) which eventually dies. So, in the end, it was pointless to wait 🙂 That’s how my days go by. Yay!

When I do eventually leave again, I’ll post here with a post that says ‘Bye!’ and nothing else. Explanations are unnecessary and big rants will only bore people (like this one :D).

That’s all the random things that I can think of right now.

P.S. Someone unbore me?

Last Chaos has no buckets that I know of, but still…

Posted in Fun, Video Games with tags , on September 7, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

So, I’m taking this time to post another blag post on this blag that should be on hiatus 😛

Anyhow, after a long long long break from MMORPGs, I (together with my twin) searched for some free MMORPGs. Having tried most of those, we wanted something new and then we found Last Chaos. It’s from the makers of some other good massive multiplayer online games, but I can’t remember the exact names right now xD
Anyhow, if anyone wants to play/plays it, my name is Zaddra on it and my twin is Spagger.


Here are Zaddra and Spagger - my and my twin's characters.

Here are Zaddra and Spagger - my and my twin

One of the actions in-game - Boasting

One of the actions in-game - Boasting


Got some armor, so time to clap (another action) 🙂

Fighting against a lvl 13 Werewolf

Fighting against a lvl 13 Werewolf

Some more fighting.

Some more fighting.

We’ve stopped playing for today and currently are both level 9.

New FF Trivia

Posted in Final Fantasy, Trivia with tags , on August 19, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

Trivias 1 to 3 of the General Trivia have now been completed 😀 And while I think of some categories for Trivias 4 onwards, I’ll start up the new FF Trivia that was suggested/requested/not wanted by some/etc.

You can find it in here:

Final Fantasy Trivia – ENDED

As with the general Trivia, new questions will appear once old ones are answered. However, this time they’ll appear in sets instead of one question each time.

Bucketon FF Update #2: Final Fantasy IV Advance – 100 % Done & Bucketon Humor

Posted in FF IX Names in other FFs, Final Fantasy, Fun with tags , , on August 3, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

AILAE, DON’T READ THIS ENTRY. It contains MAJOR and NON-MAJOR SPOILERS ABOUT IV, even in the pictures.

I am finally done with Final Fantasy IV Advance. I completed the main story a few days ago and then moved onto complete everything optional I still had left – meaning Bestiary and Bonus Dungeon (Lunar Ruins). Luckily, doing the Bonus Dungeon meant completing the Bestiary too.

And now that I’m done with IV Advance, I can go play the FF game that is IV Advance backwards – so, here I come, Ecnavda VI – err, I mean, VI Advance.




In the Lunar Ruins, each character still playable (everyone but two – Tellah and FuSoYa) can do a trial where they must face their worst fears. Now, since you can only have five characters in your team at a time, you MUST make a minimum of two visits in the Lunar Ruins to complete them all.

The Lunar Ruins consists of 50 floors and most of those are floors where you must/can a) solve a puzzle, b) go through an exact copy of a place you went through during the game, c) heal with some Sylphs or d) go shopping. However, there are also other special floors: a) The floors with the trials, b) a floor where Black and White Magic is mostly ineffective, c) a floor where attacking is futile, d) a floor where a foe named Brachiodaros wanders (he can be avoided since he shows up on the map and he is deadly. VERY deadly), e) A floor where a guy questions you and gives you a prize if you answer right, f) a floor where you must memorize a sequence of numbers and step on numbered tiles in that order, g) a floor where you have to fight a lone Platinum Toad to give to a NPC, h) a floor where you have to fight evil dolls and i) The final floor.

In the final floor, you fight Zeromus EG, a powered up (and different looking) version of Zeromus, the main story’s final boss. The EG stands for Easy Game, since Zeromus EG was taken from Final Fantasy IV Easytype, a version of the game that was made much simpler and easier. However, Zeromus EG is harder than the actual Zeromus, but by the time you get to him, he isn’t that hard.

Anyhow, since probably only Michael reads that (and I told him not to read my FF rants), here are pictures to grab the attention of those who don’t like text:

Steinr swears to avenge Garland (Tellah) and Anna, his daughter. Now, it would be easier for me to do that if Anna hadn't been made such a generic NPC.

Steiner swears to avenge Garland (Tellah, who just killed himself off) and Anna, his daughter. Now, it would be easier for me to do that if Anna hadn't been made such a generic NPC.

Here's Tellah killing himself by using Meteor.

Here's Tellah killing himself by using Meteor.

Shortly after losing Tellah, Cid decides to go out with a bang...

Shortly after losing Tellah, Cid decides to go out with a bang...



After a lot of storyline stuff, which I didn't screenie (such as Yang blowing himself off too), I got to the Lunar Ruins (bonus dungeon) and here I am completing it for the 2nd time.

After a lot of storyline stuff, which I didn't screenie (such as Yang blowing himself off too), I got to the Lunar Ruins (bonus dungeon) and here I am completing it for the 2nd time. And yes, Cid and Yang are visibly alive here, as is one of the twins (see Humor section).

Bestiary status after 2nd fight against Zeromus EG

Bestiary status after 2nd fight against Zeromus EG

Levels of the fighting party after 2nd Bonus Dungeon visit

Levels of the fighting party after 2nd Bonus Dungeon visit

Levels of the others (except Fratly/Kain and Eiko/Rydia) after 2nd Bonus Dungeon visit

Levels of the others (except Fratly/Kain and Eiko/Rydia) after 2nd Bonus Dungeon visit

The numbers and names of the four enemies I still had to face before getting 100 % Bestiary completion

The numbers and names of the four enemies I still had to face before getting 100 % Bestiary completion

Levels of the Party after 100 % Optional and Game Completion (Part 1)

Levels of the Party after 100 % Optional and Game Completion (Part 1)

Levels of the Party after 100 % Optional and Game Completion (Part 2)

Levels of the Party after 100 % Optional and Game Completion (Part 2)

Here the twins perform Double Meteor, a move used by FuSoYa and Golbez against Zemus. It's exclusively available for the twins in the Advance version.

Here the twins perform Double Meteor, a move used by FuSoYa and Golbez against Zemus. It's exclusively available for the twins in the Advance version.


And here's the awesome Music Player. I'm sure at least 1337 knows what the music currently playing is 😛

Final Fantasy IV Humor & FF IX Names in FF IV

Oh, the fun you can have by switching the on-screen character to male when the NPC is talking to a female character

Oh, the fun you can have by switching the on-screen character to male when the NPC is talking to a female character

The twins turn into stone to stop the party from being crushed. Tellah can't cure them with Esuna, because they wanted to turn to stone. However, later on, the Elder of Mysidia somehow manages to free them...

The twins turn into stone to stop the party from being crushed. Tellah can't cure them with Esuna, because they wanted to turn to stone. However, later on, the Elder of Mysidia somehow manages to free them...

All the soldiers in Troia are females who wear dresses. However, who are these male soldiers inside the castle then?

All the soldiers in Troia are females who wear dresses. However, who are these male soldiers inside the castle then?

The Dev Office houses the former Development Team of IV from 1991. You can fight and talk to them. You can also get a Magazine ('adult literature' that Cecil/Steiner likes) from the bookshelf next to Cecil/Steiner in this picture. Also, you can win some Magazines from one of the foes. I got a total of 11 xD Anyhow, in this picture, one of them 'joins' your party, just like one of the foes in-game, Baigan, does.

The Dev Office houses the former Development Team of IV from 1991. You can fight and talk to them. You can also get a Magazine ('adult literature' that Cecil/Steiner likes) from the bookshelf next to Cecil/Steiner in this picture. Also, you can win some Magazines from one of the foes. I got a total of 11 xD Anyhow, in this picture, one of them 'joins' your party, just like one of the foes in-game, Baigan, does.

In old FFs, summons were represented by normal human sprites in when met. This here is Bahamut.

In old FFs, summons were represented by normal human sprites in when met. This here is Bahamut.

Continuation of the IX names in IV. Kain is Sir Fratley and Cid is... Cid.

Continuation of the IX names in IV. Kain is Sir Fratley and Cid is... Cid.

Here are the final two IX names. FuSoYa is Kuja (yeah, they're not very alike each other xD) and Edge is Gil, a name by which Gilgamesh in IX is called by "his brother".

Here are the final two IX names. FuSoYa is Kuja (yeah, they're not very alike each other xD) and Edge is Gil, a name by which Gilgamesh in IX is called by "his brother".

P.S. Trivia 1’s Question 2 is up. I’ll always put them up as soon as I see the previous one has been answered, so check back there often.

Bucketon Humor: FF Names #2 – Final Fantasy IX names in IV

Posted in FF IX Names in other FFs, Fun with tags , on July 31, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

Some people already knew I was naming everyone in IV Advance according to their IX counterparts (closest I could think of). I’ve already decided what name everyone gets, but only some of them have been able to be named so far.

Here are some pictures:

The first four to be named were Rydia, Cecil, Rosa and Edward.

The first four to be named were Rydia, Cecil, Rosa and Edward.

Yang became Amarant

Yang became Amarant

After losing Garnet, Eiko, Amarant and Puck, Steiner met up with Zorn and Thorn, IX's jesters.

After losing Garnet, Eiko, Amarant and Puck, Steiner met up with Zorn and Thorn, IX's jesters.

At Mt Ordeals, Steiner, Zorn and Thorn met up with a familiar face - Garland.

At Mt Ordeals, Steiner, Zorn and Thorn met up with a familiar face - Garland.

Here’s the list of characters who’ve been seen so far and I can thus name without having yet :


Naming the characters after their IX counterpats CAN cause some actual fun as well. I haven’t screenied every similiarity (such as Steiner planning to sneak in to a place by boat and Garnet being kidnapped – well, she WAS kidnapped, but by the bad guys), but here are the ones I did:

o Madain Sari?

This Eiko's village was destroyed in a fire too 😮 Madain Sari?


This isn't exactly a similiarity... but it reminded me of the Cleyra scene 🙂

I'm very stupid. I forgot that Zorn and Thorn were actually copies of Palom and Porom of IV xD Here they demonstrate the use of Comet (named Meteorite in IX)

I'm very stupid. I forgot that Zorn and Thorn were actually copies of Palom and Porom of IV xD Here they demonstrate the use of Comet (named Meteorite in IX)

Okay, so Meteorite was one of the two abilities they use in IX. What about the other one - Flare? Well, in IV it WAS Flare, but in the Advance version it was renamed to Pyro.

Okay, so Meteorite was one of the two abilities they use in IX. What about the other one - Flare? Well, in IV it WAS Flare, but in the Advance version it was renamed to Pyro.

Bucketon Humor: FF Names

Posted in Daily Life in Bucketon, Final Fantasy, Fun, Pwnt with tags , , , , , on July 30, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

So, Mandi said I’m weird (with good cause to say so). So, what do I do when I’m weird :P? Name people! So, that’s what I decided to do. And so, I present to you – FF IV Advance Name Changes for Kain and Abel Cecil.

1. Michael named Zidane Michael and I named Bartz Zador. SO WHAT? I named Kain Mnb (not enough space for Michael) and Cecil Zador, so hah!

2. I guess this next one is a wasted effot without someone like Illy seeing it, but here goes anyhow… I present to you Batman the Dark Knight.

3. I told 1337 I’d name Cecil Bucket since Sir Bucket (Steiner) didn’t work out. Well, I took it a step further, so now I have Bucket and King

4. This next one is a cake.

5. Pi and hexademical version. Pi is missing the 9 though 😦

6. o_O (This would be funnier in a battle, I guess xD)

7. The internet, how we enjoy your wit.

8. And finally, the GAME!


Bucketon FF Update #1: Final Fantasy V Advance – Neo Shinryu

Posted in Final Fantasy with tags , , , on July 29, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

Before I continue, I’d like to note that Trivia #7’s entry was replaced with the actual ‘trivia’ yesterday. 🙂


Ok, Neo Shinryu is the hardest boss (Enuo is supposed to be it, I guess, but apparently Neo Shinryu is stronger) in Final Fantasy V Advance, found in the Bonus Dungeon (aka Sealed Temple).

Well, today I first took down Omega Mk. II (a clear ‘reference’ to XII’s Omega Mk. XII 😛 ) and then afterwards Neo Shinryu after a few attempts 😀 Here are pics (none of the fight though, since I had no idea I’d win that time xD )!

FF V Advance Pictures
Omega Mk. II

Omega Mk. II

Bestiary 98 % Complete!
Bestiary 98 % Complete!
Neo Shinryu

Neo Shinryu

Ultima Weapon, weapon gained for beating Neo Shinryu!

Ultima Weapon, weapon gained for beating Neo Shinryu!

EDIT: Fully done with V Advance now 😀

Bucketon Trivia #7: What FF location is in the picture?

Posted in Final Fantasy, Trivia with tags , on July 28, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

This Trivia ends Thursday That was CAKE. Real deadline was Saturday.

Wow. I had no idea how hard it would be to actually do something this simple -_- I went to take some FF pictures for this trivia, starting with doing with a video camera, since my cellphone had been acting up. When I picked the first game, I remembered that I no longer had the better tv I used to have, so now I had this tiny tv which has thing annoying flaw that makes it very hard to film/take pictures of. I won’t go into it, but the following pictures are the best I can get with this stupid tv.

I got from XII to X-2 and then ran out of battery (I’m really surprised nobody had recharged the battery over the 5 months the camera had been without anyone using it). So, I had two choices: Only have pictures for XII, X and X-2, which could basically only be answered by Mandi, Brian and Emily of those who have replied in previous trivias. What about Michael and 1337, who have neither played these?

So, I chose to attempt using my cellphone. I got through the remaining FFs that were possible to be answered by 1337 and/or Michael as well: VIII and IX. Sadly due to more problems, I was not able to do VII this time. That’ll be for later, I guess.

So, here are the crappy pictures. Try to squint or something so you can make out what they are D:



1. Cactuar Island; Correct: 1337

What island?

Cactuar Island!

2. Fisherman’s Horizon and Balamb Garden; Correct: 1337

What location(s)?

Fisherman's Horizon and Balamb Garden

3. Shumi Village; Correct: 1337

What village?

Shumi Village!


1. Lindblum; Correct: Michael

What city?


2. Daguerreo; Correct: 1337

What place?


3. Ipsen’s Castle; Correct: 1337

What castle?

Ipsen's Castle!


1. Calm Lands

What place?

Calm Lands!

2. Baaj Temple

What temple?

Baaj Temple!

3. Omega Ruins

What place?

Omega Ruins!


1. Road to Farplane

The road to where...?

Road to Farplane!

2. Zanarkand Ruins

What location?

Zanarkand Ruins!

3. Guadosalam

What location?



1. Tomb of Raithwall

What location?

Tomb of Raithwall!

2. Nabreus Deadlands

What location?

Nabreus Deadlands!

3. Eryut Village

What village?

Eryut Village!


1. 1337 – 5

2. Michael – 1

Bucketon Trivia #6: Recognize the recurring FF thing (Part 1)

Posted in Final Fantasy, Trivia with tags , on July 27, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

In Trivia #6 you need to recognize what recurring FF thing/theme/item/creature/joke/character/etc is being descriped, shown in a picture, etc.

1. A character who made his debut in FF II and has ever since been a recurring FF character. He is usually good with airships or other machines, though exceptions exist. Who is it? Cid; Correct: 1337

2. The first name on the player’s party. What is recurring about it? Naming a character; Correct: Brian

3. What recurring thing? Airship; Correct: 1337

4. What recurring character? Gilgamesh; Correct: 1337

5. A creature that goes “Kupo!” in it’s first few appearances until finally being taught how to talk in later games. Even later it learned to wear clothes and changed appearance somewhat. What recurring creature/race? Moogle; Correct: 1337

6. “Kweh!” is often one of the noises heard from this bird, which is NOT a chicken. It comes in different colors (with different abilities) and different flavors. Yummy. What creature? Chocobo; Correct: 1337

7. There’s this one very bad guy calling himself “Sephiroth” who likes long, pointy swords. The sword in question is recurring. What’s the name? Masamune; Correct: Brian

8. What recurring summon? Ifrit; Correct: 1337

9. What recurring foe/creature/summon? Tonberry; Correct: 1337

10. What recurring type of character/encounter (answer both or either one)? Type: Ninja or Optional character/Encounter: Recruitable character encounter; Correct: Mandi (Ninja/Recruit Encounter)


1. 1337 – 7 correct, 0 wrong

2. Brian – 2 correct, 1 wrong

3. Mandi – 1 correct, 0 wrong

Bucketon Trivia #4: How good are you at random trivia questions?

Posted in Daily Life in Bucketon, JN, Neopets, Pwnt, Trivia, Video Games with tags on July 25, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

Ok, time for Bucketon Trivia #4. Trivia #2 and #3 are still open until Sunday, when I will give the answers and will send prizes to the users who got at least one point (so, currently Michael and grish) in Trivia #3. And anyone who gets a question right in Trivia #2 gets a prize as well.

In any case, here’s Trivia #4 with random questions ranging from easy to hard, from Pwnt to the Universe and from names to meanings.

This time, we’ll do it in sections. The sections are (but not in this order, so, use search if you want to skip other stuff) Pwnt & Things Famous on Pwnt, Video Games, Movies & TV, Jellyneo & Neopets, Users of Pwnt (may not be Pwnt-related questions), Internet and Blagging.


Pwnt & Things Famous on Pwnt (P&TFOP) – 10/10 + Bonus Answered

1. What is the origin of the number 42 as the answer (where is it from)? Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy; Correct: 1337

2. Where does the “Cake is a lie” come from? Portal; Correct: 1337

3. What is the second rule of The Game (and you just lost, so hah!)? Whenever you think about The Game, you lose.; Correct: 1337

4. What was the original name of Pwnt? Test Panel; Correct: Nynex

5. What is ‘the shark thing ‘ ? Hai; Correct: 1337

6. When was the first issue of The Daily Sheep posted on Pwnt? February 8 2008; Correct: Nynex

7. What does a Jhudora Doll do? KO; Correct: 1337

8. What did Section Fourteen of User Scores replace? Trivias; Correct: 1337

9. What was the item auctioned in auction ID 666? Ghostkersword (x9); Correct: Nynex

10. When was the “Buy It Now” feature added to auctions? January 13 2008; Correct: 1337

BONUS: Who was the first user to pee on people? Kimmy; Correct: 1337

Users of Pwnt (UOP) – 8/10 and Bonus Answered

1. Who made the image of the Suzukaberry? SciFi; Correct: Nynex

2. What is the third world in Patrick’s Neomia? Kreludor

3. Who is, according to their lookup, a tap dancing cookie monster? Greann

4. How many active users had joined Twin Skies Help Forums before Zador (NOTE: Not the same as the ID)? 19; Correct: Michael

5. What position did Rylon come in on the JN AC Staff Tourney? 4th; Correct: Nynex

6. Who was Jellyneo Staffer of the Year 2007 on Pwnt? Jen; Correct: grishiu

7. Who is Binx? Nynex; Correct: Nynex

8. Who is the master of good at persuasion? Michael; Correct: Michael

9. Who collects JCPs on Pwnt? Illy/illusioniste; Correct: Michael

10. Who wants -65 rating on Pwnt? grishiu; Correct: Michael

BONUS: After defeating Ozma in Final Fantasy IX, what FF game was Emilyvine supposed to play next? XII/12; Correct: Michael

Blagging – 5/5 Answered

1. Who started the blagging trend on Pwnt? Brian; Correct: grishiu

2. How did Meaghan first spell Meaghan in her blag? Meahgan; Correct: Nynex

3. Whose blag has JN Staff as faeries? SciFi; Correct: Nynex

4. Who made a blag entry called ‘Drawing Fun’? Drriddless; Correct: Michael

5. What game did 1337 post screenshots of that had every character with the same name (post the name too if you want)? IX/9; Correct: Michael

BONUS: Who felt that he NEEDED to share his thoughts about everything by blagging? blitser

Jellyneo & Neopets – 5/5 and Bonus Answered

1. What was JN’s last April Fools joke? jnPremium; Correct: Nynex

2. What was Neo’s last April Fools joke? Neobuddy; Correct: Nynex

3. Who is the newest staff member on JN? iaeternus (from IA to Modelling); Correct: Nynex

4. What is the Trouble at the National Neopian guide called (in the guides list) and who wrote it? Trouble at the Bank by Jazzypoetrockmoosic; Correct: Nynex

5. What was done a while ago to Wingoball on Neopets? More levels were added; Correct: Nynex

BONUS: When did Dave restart Jellyneo? August 22 2004; Correct: Nynex

Internet – 2/5 and Bonus Answered

1. What practice has made Rick Astley “famous” among many people in recent times? Rick Rollin’; Correct: Michael

2. Which Heroes actor has a youtube account? Adrian Pasdar (buckshotwon on youtube)

3. Who is the creator of Potter Puppet Pals? Neil Cicierega

4. What instant messaging program supports several IM services? Meebo

5. What band gathered a large group of internet celebrities and made a music video with them in 2008? Weezer; Correct: Nynex

BONUS: The maker of what web comic made an animation of Portal’s Still Alive song? VGCats; Correct: grishiu

Video Games – 6/10 and Bonus Answered

1. Other than Master Chief, what character was playable in Halo 2’s story? Arbiter

2. When was the first Mario game released? 1981; Correct: 1337

3. What game allows the player to be an assassin in 1191? Assassin’s Creed

4. Who were the playable characters in the first Resident Evil? Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine and Rebecca Chambers

5. Which Final Fantasy game had the playable character Gogo? VI/6; Correct: Nynex

6. Which two third-party characters appeared playable in Super Smash Bros. Brawl? Solid Snake and Sonic the Hedgehog; Correct: Nynex

7. Which Mortal Kombat game has the most playable fighters to date? Armageddon; Correct: Nynex

8. Rockstar Games is famous for…? Several games and game series, such as Grand Theft Auto and Manhunt

9. What was the name of the first Fire Emblem that was released in the US? Rekka no Ken; Correct: Nynex

10. What two games by Whoopee Camp have reached “cult-status” and can be sold on eBay for high prices? Tomba! and Tomba 2 (or Tombi 1 and 2); Correct: Nynex

BONUS: In The Simpsons Game, the line “It’s just a flesh wound” is uttered by an enemy. What Final Fantasy game is this line taken from? IX/9; Correct: Emilyvine

Movies & TV – 5/5 and Bonus Answered

1. What is the name of Heath Ledger’s final movie? The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus; Correct: Emilyvine

2. What does the movie Spaceballs parody? Star Wars; Correct: Emilyvine

3. How many Final Destination movies are there? 3; Correct: Emilyvine

4. Who is the current Doctor Who? David Tennant; Correct: Emilyvine

5. What is the name of the tv series (and Steve Carell’s movie) that starred Maxwell Smart? Get Smart; Correct: Michael

BONUS: What is Renny Harlin’s real name? Renny Harjola; Correct: Emilyvine

That’s 50 questions + 7 bonus questions.

41/50 questions correctly answered and 6/7 bonus questions correctly answered.


1. Nynex – 43 points

2. Michael – 21 points

3. 1337 – 21 points

4. Emilyvine – 18 points

5. grishiu – 9 points

Bucketon Trivia #2: Can you answer these Final Fantasy questions?

Posted in Final Fantasy, Pwnt, Trivia with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 22, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

EDIT: Due to apparently being a bit too hard (despite everything being google-able by using the right keywords), I’m making this easier for you now. Re-read the changed questions and hints. Also, Bonus Question #1 was completely changed to a new question, but the answers are available at the bottom of this post.

Now, knowing most of the users on Pwnt have never played any Final Fantasies, I’ll make the main question here an easy one that can pretty much be googled, if you want to do so. However, there is no prize for this one. The bonus questions (below the main question) are harder and yield prizes for the Pwnt users who get them right.

As before, answers in comments/Pwnt messages/JN pm’s/MSN convos.


WARNING! Spoilers included (Final Fantasy XII/TA2 mainly) in questions for those who like completing optional stuff!


MAIN QUESTION // In Final Fantasy XII (PS2), there is a certain mark (Behemoth King) that can be spawned in the Feywood. However, some unlucky people will instead spawn five members of the Royal Mandragora family (Onion Queen, Mandragora Prince, Topstalk, Pumpkin Star and Alraune King), forcing them to either fight and re-do the process to spawn the mark OR reload from either Giruvegan or Golmore Jungle. What makes the Royal Mandragoras potentially dangerous to any player?

Hint #1: They have a move that makes them somewhat more dangerous each time. If you can find out what this move does, you have your answer.

Hint #2: They are one of few foes who can reach a certain something (the answer to this question).

Hint #3: 66 turned upside down and mirrored.

Random Fact #1: I was lucky enough to face the mark in question, Behemoth King, on my first attempt. However, it’s 1,668,000 HP took a while to take away at that point in the game.

Random Fact #2: I eventually did the process to spawn the Mandragoras 14 times in order to face each one 14 more times (since the Mandragoras are originally met as a humorous boss fight in the game) to complete their bestiary entries. However, this is completely optional and does not count towards the Sky Pirate’s Den requirement.

BONUS QUESTION #1A // Which one of the “hard three” (Yiazmat, Hell Wyrm, Omega Mk XII) from Final Fantasy XII inspired an NPC to create a group of three spider-like robots named Upsilons in Final Fantasy TA2: Grimoire of the Rift?

Hint #1: It’s easy if you think about it.

Hint #2: Google is your friend.

Random Fact #1: The Upsilons are named Upsilon/Upsilon-A1 (Green), Upsilon-A2 (Green) and Upsilon-A3 (White), a direct reference to the monster they are based on (I’ll explain the difference once the answer has been solved.

Random Fact #2: Only two of the three Upsilons are fought in-game (A1 and A2), as the A3 blew itself up, as explained in the game’s Research Notes after defeating both Upsilons A1 and A2.

Random Fact#3: TA2 references and includes elements/characters/etc from Tactics, Tactics Advance, XII and XII: Revenant Wings. Some other stuff from the others are included as well, as weapons, etc (example. Squall’s Lionheart and Cloud’s Buster Sword AND Materia Blade)

BONUS QUESTION #2 // List the (arguably) hardest bosses (only one for each) in the following Final Fantasies: VII, VIII, IX, XII, X and X-2. NOTE: Grammatically correct names are not necessary AND only the original version bosses are accepted, none of the International/Zodiac Job System, etc bosses.

Random Fact #1: My favorite hardest bosses in order: XII, X-2, IX, VIII, VII, X

Random Fact #2: 1337 has pretty pictures of fighting IX’s hardest boss

Random Fact #3: XII’s hardest boss has the most HP in any FF game to date (over 50 million HP) and usually takes hours to win against

Random Fact #4: Michael began playing IX and Emily has began playing XII

Hint #1: I accept two answers for X, since it’s hardest foe is largely debatable and opinions on it vary.

Hint #2: VII’s hardest boss is a Weapon

Hint #3: X-2’s hardest boss is in the end of a long, optional dungeon (100 levels) in Bevelle.

Hint #4: The first letters of the names of the foes: E (VII), N/S (X), T (X-2)


MQ: Royal Mandragoras can level up to level 99 in few minutes, at which level they will be immune to all physical attacks.

BQ1: The three optional bosses were Fury, Humbaba and Doom Wall and the two marks were Orthros and Carrot.

BQ1A: Omega Mk XII

BQ2: VII’s hardest boss is Emerald Weapon, VIII’s hardest boss is Omega Weapon, IX’s hardest boss is Ozma, X’s hardest boss is Nemesis, X-2’s hardest boss is Trema and XII’s hardest boss is Yiazmat.


Main: N/A // BQ 1: N/A // BQ1A: N/A // BQ2: 1337 (VIII, IX, XII), N/A (VII, X, X-2)

Buckets of Gold

Posted in Daily Life in Bucketon, Final Fantasy, Pwnt, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , on July 16, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

The title is a quest name in Final Fantasy XI, which I’ve never played. However, it’s the only bucket-related thing in Final Fantasy I can think of right now (other than the bucket in Quan’s Dwelling in Final Fantasy IX, but I can’t get a quote from that).


Lately (mainly thanks to Brian, 1337, Emilyvine and Mandipi), I’ve been discussing Final Fantasy on MSN, Pwnt, etc. Final Fantasy has always been a game series I’ve loved, ever since I played VII and VIII over at a former friend’s (currently he’s someone I hate very much :P) house. This was around the time VIII had just been released. I loved both games and I wanted them. So, when I got a Playstation, I bought both games and Tactics (also a Final Fantasy game). And later on, when IX was released, I got it as a birthday present. For the longest of times, IX and Tactics were tied for first place in my favorites and VIII and VII were second. I also had acquired other FFs since then (X and X-2 for PS2, III for DS, IV, V and VI’s Advance versions, Dawn of Souls and Tactics Advance for GBA, Origins and Anthology [which I no longer have] for the playstation and I, II, III, IV, V and VI for SNES. Also, Mystic Quest, but I didn’t like that.), but those were not as good as these four in my opinion.




Then Final Fantasy XII came out. I didn’t get it at the time, since I was poor. I had to wait until last December to finally get it and I went to immediately play it. I loved it and still do. It became my favorite FF, usurping IX and Tactics’ place. Once I reached the point where I had only some optionals left to do before completing the game, I took a break. A long break. From January to June. Then I finally continued. It took a few days, but I did everything I had left to do: Sell the correct loot to buy the Tournesol, get the three remaining Espers (Chaos, Ultima and Zodiark), defeat all optional bosses remaining (Shadowseer (and his four summoned helpers – bosses encountered in XII already) Fury, Humbaba Mistant, Chaos, Ultima, Zodiark, Omega Mk XII, Hell Wyrm and Yiazmat), kill all 80 Rare Games left (7 were left: Tower, Vagrant Soul, Luxollid, etc), complete the Sky Pirate’s Den (I had these tasks left: Defeat Hell Wyrm, Defeat Yiazmat, Complete the Bestiary [all you had to do was face each foe once, but I also chose to defeat them enough times to unlock the special pages in the Bestiary – Yay for St Ajora being mentioned in one :D], Defeat Ultima, Defeat Zodiark, Get all Espers, Complete each character’s Licence Board [required all Espers] and trigger all concurrences [I had Black Hole left].) and finally, complete the game.

After dealing with everything but Yiazmat and the Black Hole, I had to choose which one to go for first. Both would be challenges – Yiazmat for it’s 50 million HP and Black Hole for being hard to trigger. I chose Yiazmat, knowing I would then get all but one Sky Pirate’s Den unlockable.

In the first attempt I took him down to 13 million HP, but then my sister came over and I was forced to babysit my niece and nephew. Well, my nephew wanted to play. Naturally I couldn’t let a 4-year old (since turned 5) fight Yiazmat. Instead, I left the battle to save (yes, this is possible and is widely considered the only reason Yiazmat is beatable. However, if Yiazmat can’t target you for a long period of time, he will cast buffs on himself, one being Regen which heals him for 500k. If he does this before the user leaves the arena, he will regain all of his HP while the user is away) and changed the game to something he’d want to play.

After I got control of the PS2 once again, I changed the game back to XII, but chose to go online first. There I talked to Emily (and some users on a Pwnt chat) and mentioned my XII progress, saying I’d try to defeat Yiazmat before going to sleep (It was almost midnight) or continue the next day. After leaving the computer, I went to continue. I got Yiazmat down to three million but by then I was already falling asleep. I chose to go save again.

In the morning I continued and got him to the last one million (took some time, since he loves to be a real pain when below 5 million: Death Strike [Instant KO unless user has Shell], Death Strike, Death Strike, 12 hit combo [Total Damage with my defense: 20k-ish], Death Strike, 10 hit combo, Death Strike and so on) while one of my friends was watching. I had to save again, since I didn’t wish to lose the 2 million I had removed from his ridiculous health. I entered one more time, making it my fourth time entering the fight (shown by “Stage 4” in the upper right corner of the screen). By this time my friend had left and went to buy some snacks with my twin. While they were away, I continued. I got him to 500k, then 100k, then under 10k (these were how I counted it on paper :P) and then I defeated him (I won’t say ‘kill’, since…well, you’ll see if you read on). Yiazmat was finally down. And then my friend and twin came home and I told them the news.

After saving, I checked the new stuff in the Sky Pirate’s Den, talked to Montblanc (you may know him from Tactics Advance) to get the final reward (which I sold, along with the rewards for beating Omega Mk XII and completing the Fishing Sidequest, thus getting the third strongest weapon in XII – Wyrmhero Blade. I had the strongest and 2nd strongest already – Zodiac Spear and Tournesol) and got ready for trying to get Black Hole triggered. I tried 8 times that day with no success and then got bored of it. I saved the game and quit. The next morning, I continued my attempts. It took 7 more tries and then I finally succeeded in triggering it (ironically, 7 is my favorite number :P), thus completing the game 100% once I went to Sky Fortress Bahamut and obliterated the bosses there.

I was sad to have finally completed my favorite FF, but I was also glad to have done so. I also knew it wouldn’t be the last time I’d see Ivalice and some of the characters, since I still had Revenant Wings (sequel to XII) and Tactics Advance 2: Grimoire of the Rift (‘sequel’ to Tactics Advance) left to play. I chose to play RW first and so I did.

It took a few days but I got 100 % before completing the game (easier to find out in this game, since it actually had the percentage shown, unlike XII). Now, about how RW was a sequel. Well, the following things made a return: Ivalice (world), Dalmasca Estersand/Paramina Rift/Giza Plains (locations), Vaan/Penelo/Balthier/Fran/Basch/Ashe (playable characters), Kytes/Filo (formerly NPCs, now playable), Ba’Gamnan (formerly NPC and boss, now playable for a time and boss/NPC) and his siblings (NPCs/Bosses), Larsa (NPC), Loot (some loot items from XII returned as Materials), the Scions (XII’s Espers returned, along with many new summons and former summons from previous FFs, totaling to 50-60 something summons)
, Gilgamesh and Enkidu (Gilgamesh is a reoccuring character, as is Enkidu and naturally they returned after being in XII. This time Gilgamesh becomes a summon after being beaten, but Enkidu doesn’t. I was sad when I saw that Enkidu was pretty much considered a normal summon by RW, as multiples of it respawn when it gets killed.), Nono (NPC), Tomaj (NPC), Rikken/Elza/Raz (NPCs AND bosses/guests this time), the Strahl (airship returns, but not useable this time), some XII marks/optional bosses (Gilgamesh and Enkidu were already mentioned. The others are Trickster, King Bomb and Yiazmat), Mist (term), two quickenings (Balthier and Vaan have one of their quickenings as their Quickening in this one. The others got new ones) and the battling system (however, the only similiarities are the fact that foes appear on map and gambits are useable). There are other stuff that was in XII too, such as weapons, races and mentions of Dalmasca, etc, but I don’t think those need to be mentioned. Also, since I love FF references, guess where Yiazmat (btw, his 11k HP in this one was SO much less than XII’s 50 million) was? He was in a dungeon called Midlight’s Deep (also known as Deep Dungeon), a familiar dungeon from Tactics (and, I assume, War of the Lions for PSP). Also, there is a location called Roda Volcano (Tactics Advance) and Glabados Ruins (Glabados being familiar from Tactics). Some might wonder why these have been included. Well, the answer is quite simple. The Ivalice of Tactics and the Ivalice of XII are the same and the timeline is the same, even though the games take place some years apart. Tactics Advance, as those who played it know, was set in an imaginary world of Ivalice, even though some Tactics/XII/TA2 things are in it, mainly Montblanc, Bervenia, Judges, Ezel Berbier, etc.

Now, after completing RW, I started Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, Tactics Advance’s ‘sequel’. This time it takes place in the real Ivalice of XII/Tactics/RW, instead of an imaginary version. However, there are Tactics Advance stuff in it too, such as Mewt Randell making a return, Montblanc (Although TA’s Montblanc was imaginary, he still seems to know Marche’s [protagonist of TA] name), Ezel Berbier, Aisenfield and laws. Naturally, aside from all the XII stuff this game is full of, there are Tactics stuff too. From the top of my head I can mention Goug, the Machine City from Tactics and some other stuff.

But anyways, for someone like me, Grimoire of the Rift is a fantastic game, since there’s so much familiar stuff involved. All the normal foes are now from XII (Yay, more Deadly Nightshades xD), some bosses seem to make a return (Such as Fury and Humbaba with special descriptions, instead of ones used for their monster class :o), there’s Vaan, Penelo and Montblanc, etc. Also, the moment you start the game, you’ll be sent to see Mr.Randell (aka Mewt from TA) and I hear you get to see him after the game 😛 If you don’t think it’s Mewt and you have this game, check the counter of the library for something of Mewt’s. You can also see Ritz from TA in the notepad with the questions you answer in the beginning of the game. Marche is (apparently) going to be mentioned by Montblanc. Once you get into the actual game, the first boss is Klesta, a Crushatrice (a stronger version of XII’s Cockatrices). Instead of being defeated, however, it flees the moment it gets into critical health. What a bummer. However, Klesta can be met several more times thanks to side quests until the time you finally defeat him. That series of side quests happens to have a sad backstory D:

Anyhow, I went on a FF rant for some reason xD At the moment I’ve played 23 Final Fantasies, if we count Origins, Anthology and Dawn of Souls as single games. However, even if we’d choose to not count them at all, I would still have played 20 FFs. Also, I’ve played and completed all three of the Kingdom Hearts games, in case someone counts them as FFs.

P.S. Seeqs are finally playable in TA2 😀

Let us not throw the rope after the bucket

Posted in Pwnt, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 30, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

// Cervantes


You might have noticed that I have a habit of making two blag entries per day. One of these is always describing how my day began and then saying what things have happened on a few sites. The second is always pointless and contains stuff few care out – so far the two second posts of the day have been a screenshot and an entry on a video game & tv shows. Even still, both of my SPOTD entries have had at least one comment, whereas two of my first posts of the day have not had a single one xD

Partly because of this, I will keep up my tradition and go with this pointless SPOTD 😛 It shall be about Pwnt and about a video game I’m currently playing on the PC, Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun.


I’m not going to explain what Pwnt is. If you’re supposed to know about it, you would… or you will, soon enough xD Anyhow, Pwnt is one of those places on the net that some people find addicting and some don’t as much. I’ve had times when I’ve had little interest and times when I’ve had much interest. Due to this I have low muffin, shout & pageview counts compared to most people.

Even though I may not be that active often, there are some things there that interest me greatly and collections are at the top of that list xD I’ve always liked collecting – on Subeta, Neopets and Pwnt.

Now since this isn’t making much sense and instead is a bunch of random Pwnt stuff, I’ll end it with this:

The Hai-Shark thing I accidentally started is still going on, but I suspect it will eventually fade away 😛

Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun (PC; 2007)

I’ve always enjoyed solving crimes and murders that are shown in video games, tv, movies, books, etc. I’ve read several of Dame Agatha Christie‘s books (my favorites being And Then There Were None and Cat Among the Pidgeons) and seen some of the tv movies of Miss (Jane) Marple (Geraldine McEwan) and Hercule Poirot (David Suchet), Christie‘s most famous crime-solvers. Ever since And Then There Were None was released as a game, I wanted to try it out, but I’ve yet to obtain a copy of it. Instead, I happened to find the game adaptation of Evil Under The Sun last weekend and purchased it, among with Keepsake. The week prior to that, I had bought Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy. As you might deduce from this, I’m into crime-solving games at the moment xD Having completed Keepsake and Nostradamus, I started playing EUTS (to my sadness, there is STILL no game with Miss Marple. She has such nice cases that I’d like to start solving in a video game xD) and I’m loving it so far. The game begins in September of 1940 (Year ring a bell :P?) in Poirot‘s office, where Poirot is discussing his latest case with his dear friend, army captain Arthur Hastings. In this game, Poirot has decided to let Hastings solve Poirot‘s latest case while Poirot is explaining the events and details of it. You start the game by playing as Hastings in Poirot‘s office and at anytime (when you wish), you can select to ‘go back in time’ to Poirot‘s latest case (August, 1940), where you play as Poirot trying to solve the crime. The neat thing is that you begin a few days BEFORE the murder, allowing you to get to know the suspects, victim and your surroundings before the murder takes place and they become more suspicious. And of course, you can select to go back to ‘the present’ at any time of your choosing. The game takes place in 8 acts, and after each act, Poirot discusses the current events of the past with Hastings. Depending on how good you’re at solving these, the acts may take some time, while some of them can be dealt with quickly. Interestingly, the murder doesn’t take place until act 5, giving you 4 acts to explore the island (and mainland) the murder is to take place on. I won’t be spoiling the plot so far (I play it as little as possible, so it’ll last longer xD), but for those who’ve read EUTS, the conclusion, just like with ATTWN and Murder On The Orient Express, has been changed from the book.
If you’re even slightly interested (as if), here’s a trailer of the game:

– Baron Von Bucket The First (as dubbed by Illy)

Just a drop in the bucket

Posted in Daily Life in Bucketon, Heroes, Lost, Neomia, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 29, 2008 by ldneedsbuckets

// Proverb


So, time for some random stuff. Here’s a brief list of what this blag post will consist of:

Neomia News

TV Shows and Video Game talk

– Random Quotes



I was just visiting Neomia and noticed Michael‘s now orange. For those who don’t know what that means, orange is the color of Moderators on Neomia. I guess Patrick chose to upgrade him after Michael said he’d ask him about it xD More on that later… perhaps.


Upcoming Stuff: TV Shows & Video Games

So, Lost‘s two hour finale is on today in the United States. I’ve read some spoilers and heard some rumours and based on what I’ve read and heard, it’ll be VERY interesting. Perhaps even THREE dead original cast members 😛 Now, I don’t get to see the finale’s part 2 (which is this two hour episode) until next Thursday, but I’m going to spoil it for myself still by reading all about it tomorrow, ’cause I’m lame like that xD

As for Heroes, it won’t be on until September in the US and who knows when here in Finland. Once again though, I’ve been reading spoilers and I’ve watched trailers and stuff. Those three possible deaths are VERY interesting as well 😛 And yay for more Sylar 😀

That’s all for tv shows for now. Perhaps I’ll discuss ones like The Simpsons, Prison Break and 30 Rock later…

Might as well talk about one video game since I chose to put that in the section title. I’m currently interested in Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. I’ve played the demo through (completed the story mode of The Lost Temple level and then played it through on Free Play where I got all the things possible on that level without guides, naturally) and so far I’m loving it. I liked both Lego Star Wars and Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and this one has many improvements from those, in my opinion. Currently my favorite character from the ones playable in the demo is one of the following: Indiana Jones (Whip, cool melee moves and overall awesomeness), Henry Jones Sr. (Academic Access and overall awesomeness), Enemy Officer (Desert) (Can throw explosives, which is awesome. Bounty Hunter version of this game, sort of xD) or Thugger (Secret passage ability [or whatever] and can throw sabres). As for the characters I’ve seen that are most likely playable, I’d like to try Marcus Brody, Donovan, Enemy Butler (xD), Grail Knight and some others. Can’t wait for the release date, June 6th, although I probably won’t be able to get it then/soon.

That’s all for now 🙂 Here are some random quotes once more (from Pwnt) :

King Tawm (5/29 12:25 pm) — I don’t know how, I is not knowing. D:

Kakashi (5/29 10:48 am) — You won 60 wheels! then You were about to win 60 wheels, but it got stuck in the machine!

1337 (5/29 8:26 am) — “Your feed is so new, we’re still playing with the bubble wrap.” -Feed Stats